The (kola) hole is the deepest hole dug by man in human history in the Soviet (Kola)

The (kola) hole is the deepest hole dug by man in human history in the Soviet (Kola) peninsula, with a depth of 12.2 km in the ground. It took 20 years to dig it. Despite this, this depth represents only a third of the thickness of the earth's crust above what is known as the mantle. And the Soviets began drilling operations in 1970 AD, and the Germans followed them in 1990 AD with a hole that reached a depth of 9.5 km in Bavaria. And both drillings were stopped due to the excessive heat, which reached 180 m in the ground (double the expectations of the engineers), which severely hindered the drilling machines and caused them technical malfunctions, as well as technical and engineering problems and political issues. The Soviet pit became a destination for tourists and the German pit an art museum With this drilling, scientists wanted to pierce the earth in order to know its internal composition, as it barely reached a quarter of the earth’s crust, whose thickness...